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前篇文章提到,Parker勋爵在CIF v. Sealink一案所说的,除了合同中有不可抗力条款,一方当事人不仅要把自己置于该条款之内,而且要表明自己已经采取了一切合理的措施来避免或减轻其结果。

A party must not only bring himself within the clause but must show that he has taken all reasonable steps to avoid its operation, or mitigate its results.




   1980年11月13日,IslanderTrucking Ltd.(以下简称“被告”)从Reggio Calabria承运J.J.Silber Ltd. and Other及Patenta G.m.b.H.and Others(以下简称“原告”)的一批货物(原告的财产)到巴黎。但在途中,运送货物的卡车被劫匪拦截,货物被劫匪劫走,原告要求被告赔偿其损失。


Article 17:

1. The carrier shall beliable for the total or partial loss of the goods and for damage thereto occurring between the time when he takes over the goods and the time of delivery, as well as for any delay in delivery.


2. The carrier shall however be relieved of liability if the loss, damage or delay was caused by the wrongful act or neglect of the claimant, by the instructions of the claimant given otherwise than as the result of a wrongful act or neglect on the part ofthe carrier, by inherent vice of the goods or through circumstances which the carrier could not avoid and the consequences of which he was unable to prevent.


3. The carrier shall notbe relieved of liability by reason of the defective condition of the vehicl eused by him in order to perform the carriage, or by reason of the wrongful actor neglect of the person from whom he may have hired the vehicle or of the agents or servants of the latter.


4. Subject to article18, paragraphs 2 to 5, the carrier shall be relieved of liability when the lossor damage arises from the special risks inherent in one or more of the following circumstances . . .


Article 18:

1. The burden of proving that loss, damage or delay was due to one of the causes specified in article 17, paragraph 2, shall rest upon the carrier.








1. The carrier is liableas an insurer, for all loss and damage occurring in transit, otherwise than inthe cases specifically referred to in the first part of art. 17 (2) and in art.17 (3).

2. The carrier is liable in any case where, if the carrier had done something different from what heactually did, the loss would not have occurred.

3. The carrier is liablefor all losses, otherwise than those proved to have arisen from events amounting to force majeure.

4. The carrier is exemptfrom liability if he proved either that he exercised a high degree of care, orthat the loss would have happened even if he had exercised a high degree ofcare.

5. The position is the same as just stated, save that for a high degree of care there should be substituted reasonable care or due diligence.



whether Islander is relieved from liability, on the ground that the loss was caused- through circumstances which the carrier could not avoid and the consequences of which he was unable to prevent.





前文的叙述是基于货车司机John Ferrugio先生(以下简称“司机”)的证据,他是审判中唯一的证人。Mustill法官接受他的叙述的大致轮廓,尽管他对事件发生的时间的回忆不能被认为是准确的。目前还没有可以确定确切历史记录的记录簿或转速仪记录,虽然司机在事件发生后的几天内向警方作了陈述,但语言有困难,不能认为这些记录是任何比口头证据更可靠,即使允许时间的流逝。但最后,Mustill法官认为这种精确度的不足实质上影响了争议的结果。

在选择这些替代性的解释,Mustill法官认为,下列原则必须适用。,同样适用于制定任何其他形式的国际公约的法规。但是,必须考虑到这样一个事实,即这些公约往往比议会法案措辞更为宽松。因此,考虑到起草者的明确意图,如果能够确定的话,是合理的;如果该公约是用不止一种语言写成的,则是指该文本的外文版本;。所有这些观点的权威可以在Buchanan & Co. Ltd. v. BabcoForwarding & Shipping (U.K.)Ltd., [1978] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 119案中找到。

When choosing between these alternative readings, the following principles must, in my judgment, be applied. The general rules of interpretation, long established in the English Courts, are just as much applicable to a statute which enacts an international convention as to any other kind of statute. Nevertheless, accountmust be taken of the fact that such conventions tend to be more loosely worded than Acts of Parliament. It is, therefore, legitimate to have regard to the clear intention of the draftsman, if this can be ascertained; to the foreignversions of the text, if the convention was drawn up in more than one language;and to any body of decisions in foreign Courts which unequivocally prefers oneof the suggested interpretations. (Authority for all these propositions may be found in Buchanan & Co. Ltd. v. Babco Forwarding & Shipping (U.K.)Ltd., [1978] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 119; [1978] A.C. 141).


Mustill法官认为同样,,但是对于在本案中应该适用的解释没有给出明确的指导。在某些情况下,事实是如此,17(2)条如何理解也没做出区别。另外一些报告太短,。其余的报告,特别是1980年3月27日Oberlandsgericht Dusseldorf关于1975年2月28日德意志联邦共和国联邦总督令的判决,及1983年6月29日奥地利Oberts Gerichtshof的判决是有用的,他们表明目前的问题是如何出现在其他司法管辖区的经验丰富的律师,,不容易驳回某些解释是站不住脚的。然而,Mustill法官认为他很满意外国的案件没有建立任何连贯的权威,。因此,Mustill法官认为通过陈述外国判定来加重这一判决是没有意义的。


Mustill法官认为没有必要浪费时间去采纳第一个建议的解释,因为它显然是与17(2)条的措辞冲突。诚然,绝对的或近乎如此的赔偿责任在运输法中并不是新鲜事:作为共同承运人的旧法律的见证。然而,这些话本身表明这不是起草者的意图。如果承运人依赖更具体的例外情况,则情况的不可避免性不是一个额外的标准:它本身就是一种除外的危险。Mustill法官不认为Hodgson法官在Michael Galley Footwear Ltd. v Iaboni, [1985] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 251案中的判决有相反的效果。博学的法官不可能一直在考虑绝对的责任,否则他不会提到武装抢劫是承运人不负责任的情况。当说这些条款不涉及过错的时候,Mustill法官认为有见识的法官对于自己有过错,是因为没有达到合理的谨慎标准,并不是要表达对承运人应该做什么和可以做什么的考虑完全放一边。

No time need be taken up with the first of the suggested readings, since it is manifestly in conflict with the words of art. 17 (2). It is true that aliability which is absolute, or nearly so, would be no novelty in the law of carriage: as witness the old law on common carriers. The words themselves, however,show that this was not the intention of the draftsman. The unavoidability of the circumstances is not an extra criterion to be satisfied if the carrier is to rely on the more specific exceptions: it constitutes an excepted peril in its own right.


The second interpretation is not open to this objection. Quite the contrary, for it best fits the literal meaning of the words. If there is something which the carrier could have done which would have led to the result that the loss did not occur,the loss was one which the carrier "could have" avoided. Nevertheless,this reading can also be rejected with confidence, for it leads to anabsurdity. Imagine a vehicle destroyed by lightning-stroke, or by an unforeseeable explosion at the roadside, or by an unprecedented major road accident, brought about entirely by the actions of third parties. In these and similar cases, the carrier "could have" avoided the loss by the chance of starting the journey 15 minutes earlier or later, or by choosing a different route. It indeed is hard to imagine any casualty which the carrier could not have avoided, in this sense, yet to read the exception in this way would leave it empty of content. The problem is that the word "avoid" has two different senses. One is, so to speak, passive in nature. The person escapes from an unwelcome contingency for reasons unconnected with his own efforts: for example, if he is fortunate enough to "avoid" injury,when involved in a motor accident. The other sense signifies the taking of active steps, which the person embarks upon (successfully in the event) precisely with the object of forestalling the peril in question. It must surely be thislatter meaning which the expression is intended to bear in art. 17 (2). The exception contemplates that the carrier could not have done anything, orabstained from doing anything, with the intention and with the effect of preventing a loss of the type which actually occurred.


This is,however, only a partial solution. It gives meaning to the word "avoided" but leaves open the significance of "could have".Here, again, there is a risk of absurdity. There are many perils which acarrier could avoid, if endowed with unlimited foresight and resources. An armed robbery can be prevented, if the carrier employs an armoured vehicle,surrounded by scores of armed guards. Yet the parties to the Convention canscarely have intended to force the carrier to such extreme measures, in orderto avoid liability for events not of his own making. Some limit must be placed on what the carrier "could have" done. But at what level?


Onepossibility is to qualify the liability by reference to the concepts of "force majeure" or "Act of God". This has appealed to somejudges and commentators, but I cannot myself accept it, essentially for two reasons. In the first place, whatever exactly these expressions may involve, they are all concerned with extraneous events, whereas the words of the exceptions require that attention is focussed on the acts or omissions of the carrier. Secondly, if the draftsman had intended to confer an exemption co-extensive with that of (say) force majeure there is no reason why he should not have said so explicitly.Indeed, there may well be force in the suggestion, to be found in the literature, that the draftsman of this international instrument had consciously abstained from employing terms of art, because in some legal systems aparticular expression might not be known, and in others its significance mightbe unclear. Be that as it may, the draftsman had at his disposal simple meansof achieving the suggested results, and chose not to use them.

基于类似的原因,Mustill法官将拒绝,如Hodgson法官在Michael Galley v. Iaboni和Neill法官在ThermoEngineers Ltd. and Another v. Ferrymasters Ltd., [1981] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 200案中,关于合理谨慎的标准,并且承运人的责任应该与普通法下的英格兰法律相等同的论点。如果起草人想要达到这个结果,他可以借用海牙规则的“恪尽职责”,或者可以使用诸如“谨慎”或“疏忽”这样的措辞-这正是他所做的,仅仅是前两行,在第17(2)条创造的另一个例外的情况。

Fo rsimilar reasons, I would reject, as did Mr. Justice Hodgson in Michael Galleyv. Iaboni and Mr. Justice Neill in Thermo Engineers Ltd. and Another v.Ferrymasters Ltd., [1981] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 200; [1981] 1 W.L.R. 1470, the contention that the standard set is one of reasonable care, and that the carrier's liability is to be equated with what it would be, at common law,under the law of England. If the draftsman had intended this result, he could have borrowed "due diligence" from the Hague Rules, or could have used words such as "care" or "neglect" - which is exactly what he did do, a mere two lines previously, in the context of another one of the exceptions created by art. 17 (2).

然而,可以反对的是,无论如何,Mustill法官认为从思想的角度来看,在第17(2)条下很难从调查中免除谨慎的义务。更多的合理性概念再次回到了原点。从某种意义上说,这是事实。必须找到一些标准来消除这种荒谬的情况,这种荒谬可能导致承运人对于起草者所无法想象的失败负有责任。当发货人抱怨没有一些预防措施的时候,承运人可以合法地回答:“但是这是非常荒谬的”。很难用一个单词或几个词来充分表达这个概念。不过,这个主意是否以“可行”,“切实可行”或“明智”等字眼来正面表达,或以“荒谬”或类似的方式来否定地表达,理性的诉求是不能排除的。因此,,自然而然地发现,提供一个可行的谨慎责任,即通过商定译文“合理地”提出的一个词来定义。德语的表述是“vernünfigerweise zumutbarersorgfalt”。但是,这并不意味着英国的律师有条件尽量通过暗示合理的条件来填补合同的空白,并且参照合理的人的标准来制定规范,。相反,这个想法是排除一个完全不合理的预防措施:不要设定一个可以与普通法谨慎义务等同的标准。


Thus, I conclude that art. 17 (2) sets a standard which is somewhere between, on the one hand, a requirement to take every conceivable precaution, however extreme, within the limits of the law, and onthe other hand a duty to do no more than act reasonably in accordance with prudent current practice.To decide just where the standard is located, and how to express it in words,is a more difficult problem. In the end, I have come to the conclusion that the concept is best expressed by treating the words "could not avoid" as comprising the rider "even with the utmost care". In deciding whether this criterion is satisfied in the individual case, the Court will need to lookat all the circumstances, and not simply at any constraints which may be imposed by the criminal law on steps which would have prevented the loss. The circumstances could, as it seems to me, in an appropriate case, include the financial practicability of the suggested precautions. Some balance will therefore have to be struck; but it is a very different balance from the "negligence equation" referred to and (in my respectful opinion)rightly rejected by Mr. Justice Hodgson.


In my judgment, the position is as follows. The carrier is not required to formulate a list of all the steps which could conceivably have been thought appropriate, and then methodically demonstrate,one by one, either that they were not called for even by a requirement of the utmost care, or that, if they had been taken, it would have made no difference. Instead, it is for the plaintiff to suggest (although not to prove) what the carrier ought to have done, and itis then for the carrier to rebut, if he can, the specific complaints thus put forward.


在这种情况下,Mustill法官认为如果案件的重要部分几乎完全是空白,那么就很容易得出结论:被告未能证明行使任何谨慎,更不用说极为谨慎,然后继续专注于这个问题的因果关系。在Mustill法官看来,这不是正确的做法。,自问自己是否有可能采取的预防措施,受特殊限制约束它们必须是:(i)不超越常识范围,(ii)不违法 及(iii)不明显无用。只有在这个问题得到肯定的答复的情况下,,这涉及到承运人本应采取的预防措施实际上是否会阻止这种特殊的损失。

In these circumstances, where important parts of the case are an almost complete blank,it is tempting to conclude that the defendants have failed to prove the exercise of any care, far less the utmost care, and then to go on to concentrate on the issue of causation. To my mind, this is not the correct approach. The Court must first do the best itcan, to ask itself whether there were precautions which could have been taken,subject to the constraints that they must have been: (i) not extravagant beyond the bounds of common sense, (ii) not illegal, and (iii) not obviously useless.It is only if this question is answered in the affirmative, that the Court is required to enter upon the issue of causation, which is concerned with whethera precaution which the carrier ought to have adopted would in fact have prevented this particular loss.

Mustill法官现在谈谈原告所声称的个人抗辩。首先是提供安全装置,即声音报警,内部锁和延迟动作燃料切断。对于防盗报警,情况是这样:司机的证据是,安装了一个警报,并且(如果法官正确地理解了他的证据),他在收费站停车的时候被打开了。他还提供了证据,证明抢劫正在进行中,他听到的声音表明货车门被强行打开。如果真的发生了这种情况,并且如果警报被激活并且处于正常工作状态,则应该响起来:但事实并非如此。司机还说,劫匪一进门就把钥匙拿了出来,这些无疑也被用来关掉警报。但他们也可以用来打开货车的门,这使得劫匪他们有风险不太可能在收费站附近闯入。Mustill法官认为这里有一个 他不能解决的矛盾,但即使考虑到被告的举证,他也不认为这是致命的。车辆被开走的事实表明,货物的搬运并没有在收费站进行。鉴于劫匪拥有钥匙,Mustill法官认为盗窃报警(如有瑕疵)的任何缺陷并不是造成货物最终损失的近因。

There is a discrepancy here which I cannot resolve but, even allowing for the burden on the defendants, I do not regard it as fatal. The fact that the vehicles was driven away shows that the removal of the goods was not carried out at the tollgate. Given that the robbers were in possession of the keys, I consider that any defect in the burglar alarm (if there was a defect) was not the proximate cause of the ultimate loss of the goods.




For these reasons I hold that the defendants have rebutted that part of the plaintiffs' case which relates to the use of protective devices. The next group of allegations relates to the planning of the journey. It is said that the defendants should have either (a) sent two drivers with the vehicle, (b)provided a relay of drivers or (c) arranged for the truck to travel in convoy.






Mustill法官认为,如果被告在这次旅程中雇佣了两名司机,情况将会有所不同。这本来是比较昂贵的,但没有提到任何实质性的材料,Mustill法官认为可以得出这样的结论,额外的花费如此荒谬,以至于超出了“最大谨慎”的范围。 如果有两名司机,则可以如此安排行程,使车辆能够在不违反规定的情况下到达其中一个货车停车场。一旦到了那里,司机们可以休息一段时间,让他们在法律范围内,也可以吃点东西,甚至可以在日常的休息时间下按照第8条进行活动。但是,原告坚持认为,由于两个原因,最大谨慎将不会涉及到停靠一个有守卫的停车场。

The position would, however, have been different if Islander had employed two drivers for this journey. This would have been more expensive, but no material was adduced from which I could have concluded that the extra expense would have been so absurdly disproportionate as to put it outside the confines of "the utmost care". If there had been two drivers the journey could have been so scheduled as to enable the vehicle to reach one of the lorry parks without any breach of the regulations. Once there, the drivers could either have taken a break long enough to keep them within the law and also to have something to eat, or perhaps even could have had their daily rest period underart. 8. It is, however, maintained that the utmost care would not have involveda call at a guarded park, for two reasons.


First, itis said that there would have been no point in sending the vehicles to the park, since neither of the parks would have been proof against armed robbers.As to one of these parks, situated at Pizzola, Mr. Brown felt able to say ineffect that, even on the bare information contained in the Civil Evidence Act notice, the security cannot have been tight enough to make the park worth considering. He may well be right in this respect, but the other park at Paganiis another matter. According to the proprietor, it was surrounded by a wall three metres high. It was illuminated at night. There were two guards there at night. The proprietor is quoted as saying that there have been only two of what he called "robberies" in the 10 years during which it has been open.The defendants called no evidence to controvert this description although, no doubt, in view of the lateness of the notice, they could have had an adjournment for the purposes of inspection, if one had been applied for. Taking the evidence at its face value, I cannot see how the park could be described asuseless. Possibly a determined gang could have snatched the lorry from the park. But surely it would have made things better, and Mr. Brown, who, ofcourse, had not seen the park, was disposed to accept that it was more worthconsidering than the one at Pizzola. I find myself unable to hold that a person exercising the utmost care could properly have ignored the park as a means of reducing the risk to the goods, nor can I hold that, if the vehicle had been taken to the park, the robbery would still have taken place.


The second contention is that it would have done more harm than good to deviate to the lorry park, since this would have taken the vehicle off the motorway on to isolated country roads. The driver was, therefore, wise to park at the tollgate. I appreciate the force of Mr. Brown's comparison between motorways and other roads. On the other hand, the dangers of being hijacked on the move,which undoubtedly does occur from time to time, must be less than the vehicleis at rest. In order to say that the carriers ought to have foregone theobvious benefit of the lorry park because of the speculative risks of thedetour, the Court would need to hear from someone who had studied the layby atthe tollgate, the roads to the lorry park and the park itself. No such person gave evidence andI am not prepared to make any finding in favour of the defendants in its absence.


为了得出这个结论,Mustill法官不会对17(2)条进行任何解释,其与Michael Galley v. Iaboni案Hodgson法官所表达的不一致。该博学的法官在那里对无人看管的车辆的盗窃和有人驾驶的车辆的武装抢劫形成了对比。Brown先生一再强调这一区别,Mustill法官认为他始终牢记在心。Mustill法官认为,通常情况下,被告在武装抢劫案中要承担举证责任要少得多,毫无疑问,这种抢劫行为的受害者确实逃避了责任,即使是根据他对第17(2)条的解释。不过,。在这个具体的例子中,Mustill法官认为证据不足以使被告的案件好起来,正是这个原因,他认为被告他们是有责任的。

It will,in the ordinary way, be much less difficult for the defendants to satisfy the burden of proof in the case of an armed robbery, and there will, no doubt, be many cases where the victim of such a robbery does escape liability, even inthe light of the interpretation which I have placed on art. 17 (2).Nevertheless, each case must be judged on the evidence brought before the Court. In this particular instance I have found that the evidence does not suffice to make good the defendants' case, and it is for that reason that I hold them to be liable.




在本案中,被告雇佣的司机在运送货物的途中,中途停车休息的时候被强盗劫持,最终导致货物被抢劫一空,货主原告要求被告承担责任。被告认为因为强盗劫持所造成的损失属于是由于道路货物运输法中第17(2)条中“承运人无法避免的情况”造成的,因此无需承担责任,但原告不承认。原告认为被告可以采取一些预防措辞避免被强盗劫持,比如安装报警器或切断燃油装置。但在Mustill法官看来,报警器缺陷如有的话并不是造成损失的直接进因,切断燃油装置等也不具有现实意义。Mustill法官认为这些预防措施必须是:(i)不超越常识范围,(ii)不违法 及(iii)不明显无用。在不可抗力的解释上,Mustill法官认为,无论这些表述可能涉及什么,它们都涉及外部事件,而例外的措辞则要求注意力集中在承运人的作为或不作为上。其次,如果起草者打算给予与不可抗力相同的豁免,那他没有理由不这样说。



Article 17:

2. The carrier shall however be relieved of liability if the loss, damage or delay was caused by thewrongful act or neglect of the claimant, by the instructions of the claimant given otherwise than as the result of a wrongful act or neglect on the part of the carrier, by inherent vice of the goods or through circumstances which the carrier could not avoid and the consequences of which he was unable to prevent.

Article 18:

1. The burden of proving that loss, damage or delay wasdue to one of the causes specified in article 17, paragraph 2, shall rest upon the carrier.


在之前提过的CIF v.Sealink案中,关于不可抗力条款,商事法庭的Hirst法官在第590页判决中说,为了确立不可抗力,Sealink必须义不容辞去证明(i)没有履行对两艘首选船舶的光船租赁的义务是由于Sealink控制之外的情况造成的;(ii)Sealink必须证明他们本可以采取合理的举措来避免或减轻罢工及其后果。

In order to establish a force majeure situation it was incumbent on Sealink to prove: (i) that the non-fulfilment of the obligation to bare-boat charter the two first-choice vessels was due to circumstances beyond Sealink's control; and (ii) that Sealink had to show that there were no reasonable steps they could have taken to avoid or mitigate the strike and its consequences.


2that in most cases that can only be done by showing either legal or physical impossibility.

(7) that there was in fact no evidence that they had made any effort to provide alternativeson bareboat charter.

     [2003] EWCA Civ 1031案中,Longmore勋爵在第13段判决中也引援了本文开头Parker勋爵所说的如下观点:

A party must not only bring himself within the clause but must show that he has taken all reasonable stepsto avoid its operation, or mitigate its results.

GeneralConstruction Limited v. Chue Wing & Co Ltd and another [2013] UKPC 30案中,贵族院的Mance勋爵在第17段判决中说到:“合理”一词可以理解为仅仅表示缺乏过失就足以证明不可抗力的不可抗拒目的。原告接受没有过失或疏忽的行为与合理可行的行为标准有很大区别,被告没有过失或过错这一事实本身并不能证明他采取了一切措施,也就是说,合理可行的是合理的,实际上可以做到的;不可抗拒的概念包含了一个合理的,实际的可能性的标准,这就要求被告做的不仅仅是证明自己没有过失,相反,他必须进一步表明,一旦事件是可预见的,他就做了一切合理可行和切实可行的事情,而不仅仅是对他来说合理的做法。

17.  The word "reasonable" might be read as suggesting that mere absence of faute is sufficient to demonstrate irresistibility for the purposes of force  majeure.  The appellant accepts that this is not so. In its written case before the Board, the appellant submits that standard is not to be regarded as "an absolute standard of impossibility". Rather itis, the appellant submits, the standard of a bon père de famille taking "those precautions which are reasonably and practicably possible in the circumstances of the case". For bon père de famille, the Board would itself substitute a "responsible crane operator". In its case, the appellant goes on expressly to accept, in this connection, that

"there is a very real difference between absence of faute or negligence and a standard of conduct referable to reasonable and practical possibility. The mere fact that a defendant has not been negligent or at faultdoes not of itself prove that he took all measures that were reasonably possible in the sense of being reasonably and practically available to him. In other words, a concept ofirresistibilité which incorporates a standard of reasonable and practical possibility still requires a defendant to do much more than prove that he was not negligent. On the contrary, he must go further and show that once the event was foreseeable he did everything which was reasonably possible and practicable, not only that which it might have been reasonable for him to do."



Under article 17.2, Mustill J in JJ Silber at p. 247 identified the standard under article 17.2 as being"somewhere between,on the one hand, a requirement to take every conceivable precaution and, on the other hand, a duty to do no more than act reasonably in accordance with prudent current practice".


On the evidence, it would have been very foolish to have been caught halfway through dismantling the crane when the cyclone struck.

The Board sees no reason why the crane operator should necessarily contemplate dismantling the crane merely because such a cyclone was predicted,even if time did appear to allow such dismantling.

  结合这些判例,可以看出,如果合同中没有明显的例外条款,那么对于想引援不可抗力条款来免除责任的一方,必须负有举证责任,证明这些事件不可抗拒,同时要表明自己已经采取了一切合理的措施来避免或减轻其结果。这些措施如Mustill法官所说,必须是(i)不超越常识范围,(ii)不违法 及(iii)不明显无用的。换句话说,即一方不得要求另一方去做有违常识或违法或毫无用处的事。
