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2022-07-25 20:22:07

第一百八十条 因不可抗力不能履行民事义务的,不承担民事责任。法律另有规定的,依照其规定。

Article 180 Those who fail to fulfill their obligations due to force majeure shall not be held civilly liable for any damage so caused. Where it is otherwise provided by any provisions of the law, those provisions shall be complied with.  


Force majeure is an objective circumstance that cannot be anticipated, avoided or overcome.



“不可抗力”规范而正式的表达为force majeure,指An event or effect that can be neither anticipated nor controlled; esp., an unexpected event that prevents someone from doing or completing something that he or she had agreed or officially planned to do. The term includes both acts of nature (e.g., floods and hurricanes) and acts of people (e.g., riots, strikes, and wars)不能预见、不能控制的事件或影响;尤其指阻碍某人依约或依法按计划从事或完成某项事务的突如其来的事件。这个术语既包括自然力(例如洪水与飓风),、罢工与战争)】(Black's)。

与force majeure(不可抗力)容易混淆的是所谓act of God(天灾;自然力不可抗力),是指An overwhelming, unpreventable event caused exclusively by forces of nature, such as an earthquake, flood, or tornado由自然力所导致的一种无法抗拒的、无法预防的事件,例如地震、洪水及龙卷风】(Black's)。因此,act of God是force majeure的下位概念,仅指acts of nature,不包括acts of people。


之前笔者提到过“民事权利”应表达为private right(私权),而非civil right(公民政治性权利),但“民事义务”是否就相应地表达为private obligation呢?答案是否定的。那是否可用civil obligation表达“民事义务”?答案也是否定的。

“民事义务”应当表达为obligation under private lawObligation本身可泛指a legal or moral duty to do or not do something, whether the duty is imposed by law, contract, promise, social relations, courtesy, kindness, or morality为或不为一定行为的一种法律或道德上的责任,无论这种责任是法律施加的,还是合同、允诺、社会关系、礼貌、善意或道德所要求的】(Black's).

除此之外,obligation还可指a formal binding agreement or acknowledgment of a liability to pay a certain amount or to do a certain thing for a particular person or set of persons; esp., a duty arising by contract.一项正式的有拘束力的协议或对某个债务的承认,同意向某个或某些特定之人支付一定的金额或者做某事事务】(Black's)。

在后一个意义上,obligation亦称为civil obligation。因此,civil obligation在英美法上仅指“约定的义务”或“意定债务”,并不能与我国法上的“民事义务”相等同。“民事义务”既包括“约定义务”,也包括“法定义务”。但无论是约定的还是法定的,一定是“私法上的义务”,而不包括公法上的义务。因此,笔者用obligation under private law来表达“民事义务”。以前的译文中若涉及“民事义务”的,一律予以修正。
